Why Solar

Solar Benefit #1

SaveMoney On Electricity

Many of our customers wish to completely offset their power bills, but what if you only want to offset… say half? No problem! Solar PV systems are scalable, which means we can custom-build them to any size that makes the most sense for you.

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Level Up Solar Project 5 - - levelupsolar.ca

Solar Benefit #2

IncreasedProperty Value

Thinking of selling your home one day? Installing solar panels can increase the value of your home dollar for dollar as the incoming owner will benefit from having lower utility bills.

Solar Benefit #3

PeaceOf Mind

Depending on where you live, power outages may be uncommon, but when they happen, having a few hours of battery backup for the essentials could make a big difference. We offer a variety of options that range from being able to back up your home or business for a few hours to a few days.

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Level Up Solar Project 5 - - levelupsolar.ca

Solar Benefit #4

MakeThe World A Better Place

While choosing to generate your own electricity has its own set of benefits, we wanted to take it one step further. Many countries around the world today do not have access to electricity for their day-to-day life. For every system installed by us in Canada, we will donate a system to a family in a third-world country through our partners at Meshpower.


Solar By Province

Utilities across Western Canada each handle solar differently depending on which program you participate in. Here are some brief highlights of what is currently available. To ensure you are getting all of the latest information, check out the Incentives page.


Got Questions?

Don’t worry! We are here to answer them.


With no moving parts and high quality manufacturing standards, solar PV systems are in a class of their own when it comes to durability.  Solar modules sold by Level Up Solar come with a 25-year performance warranty, and generally last much longer than that.  The inverters, which convert energy from the Direct Current (DC) produced by the modules to the Alternating Current used on you property, generally have to be replaced after 20 years.

The first step towards installing solar is doing some research and getting a custom quote that takes into account your actual property location and features.  At Level Up Solar, we typically need the following information: 

1. Your annual usage in kWh or your monthly billing amount

2. The location that you’d like to install the solar PV array

3. If you’re interested in a roof mount, it also helps that we know the type of roofing (asphalt shingles, metal, etc), the year it was installed and the pitch (e.g. 4/12)

The more information we have, the more accurate our quote will be. 

And most importantly, make sure to get solid answers on all your questions – solar PV is a long-term decision that will generally pay you back 3-4 times what you invested over a 25+ year period, but does require an up front investment.  It’s important that you feel that you have been listened to and the company you work with will install a quality product designed to stand the test of time. 

Check out our How Solar Works page for more information.

Trick question – there are no batteries for standard grid-tied solar PV installations.  During the day, any excess electricity is sold back to the grid for credits.  At night and in the winter months, you can use those credits to purchase electricity back from the grid.  Batteries can of course be added to a system for those looking to have power backup in the case of emergencies. 

There are actually 3 different warranties that provide reassurance you’ll be producing power for years to come:

1) Product Warranty – At Level Up solar, we only offer panels with a minimum 10-year Product Warranty on materials and workmanship.

2) Performance Warranty – We only choose solar panels that guarantee they’ll produce a minimum 90% of the rated power after 10 years and 82% after 25 years.

3) Service Warranty  If there are any labor-related defects from the installation process, Level Up solar will repair them free of charge for 3 years after the date of installation.

Making an investment in solar is a very personal decision, so only you can answer that.  Some questions that you may want to ask yourself include: 

  1. Am I concerned about rising power prices?
  2. Would I prefer to continue paying my power bills for the next 30 years, or own my own power production?
  3. Do I want to invest in my property and raise its market value?
  4. Am I concerned about carbon taxes?  Do I want to lower my carbon footprint?  

If the answer to a few of those questions is yes, then solar might be right for you.  Of course, we here at Level Up solar will work hard to get you all the information you need to make the right decision.

Readyto harness the power of the sun?

We want to bring your vision to reality, contact us for your free quotation.

3D icon of house with solar and sun rays - - levelupsolar.ca